Monday, March 24, 2008

Eros V. Friendship

Eros Vs. Friendship

In class we talked about the differences between eros and friendship. We used the visual aid of the stick figures with the lovers who look into eachothers eyes and the friends who stand side by side and look ahead together. The lovers who are enveloped in eros put eachother infront of themselves; they put eachother first. With friends its not always like that, there is that kind of a relationship but unlike lovers who share common goals, friends have thier own goals for themselves and are not always wrapped up in eachother.
I am a very visual person so this discussion was very helpful to me. Since i am visually oriented heres my take on the analogy:

Example of lovers who stare in eachothers eyes:
Example of friends who look foward together with their own sperate goals:

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