Friday, April 4, 2008

Priestesses in the church?

I always hate topics like this... whether women should hold position in the church or not. Personally, i think that God calls us all to many things, whether that be to be teachers, or artists, or parents, or missionaries, or preachers/pastors. So i think i must disagree with lewis on this one...i do really struggle with the passage from 1 corinthians 14: 34- 35 where it says, "As in all the congregations of the saints, 34women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."  
Its hard to comprehend that passage. Personally I am an outspoken independent woman and I feel that I have the right to speak my mind, especially in church. And if i felt called b
y God to be a pastor, why wouldn't i want to pursue that? If a woman is more capable than a man in a certain situation, why not take the woman?
i just get really easily frustrated with topics like this. The whole "women must be submissive" is just really hard for me to accept... or agree with. 

It's just frustrating. 
[ all you women who independent throw your hands up at me! ]

| thend |

1 comment:

Lisa Sturgis said...

I understand the struggle of finding the truth in the scripture here. You join the ranks of many, both men and women, who have find it difficult to process this command. I believe some of it speaks to the fact, that at that time, women were not educated, did read the Torah, and did have the opportunities of men. Read about Timothy, it was the faith of his mother and grandmother that planted the seed for him. God created us beautiful creatures for the same purpose as men Glorify Him.

We, men and women, struggle with meaning and purpose of many scriptures. Let it never divide us though. And let’s never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. God has used even fools to confound the wise. I know foolish men and wise men and I know foolish women and wise women! Most are like me ....both!!!!