Monday, March 3, 2008

my english syllabus.

All to often i take for granted the fact that im in college...when other people my age dont have this same opperunity. i take for granted the fact that i have this great thing before me that i can use to better myself and hopefully use it to better others. Lewis talks about how,

"poverty can prevent one man from becoming an astronomer as blindness may prevent another man from becoming a painter"

im neither blind nor poverty stricken so i must make the most of my education as i can. Unfortunatly i slack off when i know i should be diligently doing my work and i convince myself that not doing it now when i should, is long as i finish it later. (which usually doesnt happen right away)

I feel like i lack the desire to lean all too often. Lewis in Our English Syllabus, talks about how the young student should have a "thirst for knowledge." I do want that, i just let my laziness and procrastination stand in the way. Lewis describes the good student as, " a young man (or woman) who is already begining to follow learning for its own sake..." This drive to knowleg, to better oneself, is a most powerful thing. i pray often that i find it in me to press on disprite how hard the work is or how stressful it can be.

Something that Lewis wrote really impacted me, he states,

"i think....learning has been found to have an education value. Learning is not education; but can be used educationally but hose who do not propose to pursue leanring all thier lives."

i like this alot. Anyone can learn to be rude, or to be greedy, or to be hot tempered. Anyone can learn useless things. But when learning is used for educational purposes is is a force to be reckoned with. Education empowers people...and i shouldnt take that for granted while i spent the next four years of my life here at Calvin College.


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