-C.S. Lewis-
I am always impressed by Lewis' honesty and truthfulness of his writings. It is indeed odd how we as a human race are satisfied with what we have here on this earth and have no idea what is in store for us when we leave here. The whole of Weight of Glory reminds me of 1 Corinthians 2:9,
"However, as it is written:
No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him."
Lewis talks about how we live this life for rewards, that sometimes we live life for the wrong rewards, like marrying for money or fighting a battle to get a peerage we should then fight a battle to gain victory and marry for love, these are the rewards we should be seeking.
Lewis talks about our inner desire to be in heaven one day and i think this means that we should live our lives to seek God and to seek him in his heaven. i cannot help but think of this verse from Matthew 6 verses 20 and 21,
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " (NIV)
Lewis points out here that all our lives there have been people trying to convince us that "earth can be made into heaven," but the things we have on this earth cannot even compare to what we as Gods children have instore for later.
Lewis proceeds to talk about glory and how "the promise of glory is the promise, almost incredible and only possible by the work of Christ, that some of us, that any of us who really chooses shall actually survive that examination, shall find approval, shall please God."
We live our lives to please God and Lewis points out what a heavy load that is. To have devine happiness is to please God, and to be loved by Him. What immense pressure the human race is under to impress the creator of the universe. To impress a being so inventive and powerful, and almighty and to think how little we look compared to Him. That is a weight on us certainly.
I think Lewis had it perfectly right when he said weight of glory....he certainly meant it.
"For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found..."
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